Chinese Christian Church + Center

Love. Build. Serve

Join Us For Service

Sundays at 9:30am

Children’s ministry & nursery available after our opening worship time.

Ways To Connect

Watch the Actual Live Sermon

If you can’t be with us in person, we’d still love for you to worship with us through our live service on YouTube. Remember to like and subscribe to stay updated when the latest sermon is available!

Join a Covenant Group

Join our Covenant Groups and connect with others in a welcoming community. Our groups gather at different times each month!

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How can we help you?

Our Vision

To make disciples who…Love God through practicing corporate  worship, prayer, and Bible reading. Build one another up through committing to Covenant Groups (CGs) and being in discipleship relationships. Serve our church community, our local community, and our global community. We are committed to serving and being witnesses to our church community through volunteering on ministry teams. We are committed to serving and being witnesses to our local neighbors through engaging in the Center. We are committed to serving and being witnesses to our global neighbors through short-term and long-term missions.

Our Vision

To make disciples who Love God, Build one another up, and Serve the Community

Our Mission

We are a diverse and unified Christian community, dedicated to declaring the Gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ, serving our neighbors, and discipling the believers, all for the glory of God.

Pastor Wayne Lee

Wayne was saved sometime in middle school and received his calling into full time ministry following an EPIC summer mission trip to San Francisco after his freshman year in college. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University in Actuarial Science followed by a Masters of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

He has been serving at CCC&C since 2013, first as a college ministry intern, later as a Next Generation Pastor, and now as an Assistant Pastor to the English Congregation. He married his college sweetheart, Amy, and together they have 3 children. Together they enjoy finding new restaurants, going on hikes, building Legos, and playing board games.

Welcome! We’d love to get to know you.

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Director Harry Leong

Harry is a lifelong resident of Chinatown. He grew up as a product of the Center Outreach ministries. After starting careers in accounting and education, he has led the Center since 2002. Harry has a passion to serve others and build community. In his spare time he leads a local youth sports and service organization that collaborates with the church and center in caring for others. Harry enjoys morning walks, biking, and travelling.