Our History

How We Were Formed

Chinese Christian Church and Center (CCC&C) is a living testimony to our gracious God, who led countless men and women to bear witness to the Chinese community in Philadelphia and its surrounding neighborhoods.

The first recorded baptism of a Chinese person in the Philadelphia area was in 1856. The ensuing decades saw a gradual emergence of Chinese Bible Study groups and Sunday Schools. On September 8, 1941, the door to the Chinese Christian Center (then at 1006 Race Street) was opened under Mitzie Mackenzie’s leadership.

In June 1942, the American Baptist Churches (USA), the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical and Reformed denomination (presently the United Church of Christ), the United Methodist Church, and the Presbyterian Church (USA) united in a concerted evangelical effort to form an interdenominational Board of Directors for the purpose of supporting mission outreach among the Chinese. This led to the official incorporation of the Chinese Christian Church and Center in July 1946, when we also purchased our current premises (225 N 10th Street). In early 1985, the congregation began to be self-supporting.

We thank our Lord for His manifold blessings and for the fruits of labor of His many faithful servants. We also thank all who share in the work and ministry today. As we look to the future, we are confident that God, who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion until the coming of Christ Jesus.

Pastor Wayne Lee

Wayne was saved sometime in middle school and received his calling into full time ministry following an EPIC summer mission trip to San Francisco after his freshman year in college. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University in Actuarial Science followed by a Masters of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

He has been serving at CCC&C since 2013, first as a college ministry intern, later as a Next Generation Pastor, and now as an Assistant Pastor to the English Congregation. He married his college sweetheart, Amy, and together they have 3 children. Together they enjoy finding new restaurants, going on hikes, building Legos, and playing board games.

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Director Harry Leong

Harry is a lifelong resident of Chinatown. He grew up as a product of the Center Outreach ministries. After starting careers in accounting and education, he has led the Center since 2002. Harry has a passion to serve others and build community. In his spare time he leads a local youth sports and service organization that collaborates with the church and center in caring for others. Harry enjoys morning walks, biking, and travelling.